In November we interviewed Lys Galati of Sphinx Group for our podcast. She had some great information and insights about the gaming industry, the present and future of RPGs, the current state of crowdfunding and lots more. To keep the podcast’s runtime reasonable, we edited the conversation way down. Lots of folks wanted to hear the full interview, so we’ve posted it to the site. Click here to listen to the full interview!
Category: Stuff
End of the year lists!
As 2014 draws to a close, you’re no doubt inundated with “Best of” and “Worst of” lists all over the place. Try as we might, we couldn’t resist the urge to try a couple of those ourselves to see what the fuss is about. So, we sat down with our good friends Eric Van Tassell and Ele Matelan (both of Specimen fame, among other things) to list our top genre movies and television shows of the year. We had a couple of great in-depth chats and the results are here in our two bonus year-end podcasts!
Best Genre TV shows of 2014 Podcast
Best Genre movies of 2014 Podcast
And of course, everyone’s got an opinion, so let us know yours! Send us a note at [email protected] or drop a note on our Facebook page!
Podcast: Episode Four
Our latest podcast is up on our Vimeo channel. In episode four, Steve talks about our new Zombie City sounds, as well as news about Specimen and some hints about how to use sound effects in your RPG. Then, Steve and Joe discuss the upcoming films Man of Steel and World War Z.
The Toxic Bag Podcast: Episode One
Check out our first podcast. In our first episode Steve talks about our new sound product, goes over what’s new with “Specimen,” and reviews “the Hobbit” movie and “A Klingon Christmas Carol” play.