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Lys Galati of Sphinx Group – full interview now online

In November we interviewed Lys Galati of Sphinx Group for our podcast. She had some great information and insights about the gaming industry, the present and future of RPGs, the current state of crowdfunding and lots more. To keep the podcast’s runtime reasonable, we edited the conversation way down. Lots of folks wanted to hear the full interview, so we’ve posted it to the site. Click here to listen to the full interview!

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End of the year lists!

As 2014 draws to a close, you’re no doubt inundated with “Best of” and “Worst of” lists all over the place. Try as we might, we couldn’t resist the urge to try a couple of those ourselves to see what the fuss is about. So, we sat down with our good friends Eric Van Tassell and Ele Matelan (both of Specimen fame, among other things) to list our top genre movies and television shows of the year. We had a couple of great in-depth chats and the results are here in our two bonus year-end podcasts!

Best Genre TV shows of 2014 Podcast

Best Genre movies of 2014 Podcast

And of course, everyone’s got an opinion, so let us know yours! Send us a note at [email protected] or drop a note on our Facebook page!


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Science Fiction Toolkit

You’ve crafted your universe and created the PCs. Everything is in place to begin your epic RPG Campaign for galactic domination. All that’s left is to add that final element: sound. Toxic Bag’s Science Fiction Toolkit gives you the audio building blocks to help create worlds that, before now, the players had only imagined. Designed for use with any RPG system, the toolkit will help make your sci-fi games better.

Over 45 minutes of Sci-Fi Sounds!

Tracks Include:
Sci-Fi Battle *
Jump to Lightspeed ¥
Time Machine Interior (10 minute ambience) ¥
Self-Destruct Sequence ¥
Cyberspace (10 minute ambience) ¥
Starship Bridge (10 minute ambience) †
Star Cruiser Rumble (10 minute ambience) †
Red Alert (6 minute effect) †
GM Soundpack: Blasters & Deflector Shields (click for description)

* Previously available on the Battles Collection
¥ Previously available on the Strange Places Collection – remastered for this set
† New Sound

The Science Fiction Toolkit is available from

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New Specimen standalone site

We’ve created a site specifically for our new board game, Specimen. There you’ll find articles about how to play the game; good strategies for playing the crew or the monster; videos about different strategy cards and the development of the game; and selected game images. There are also some downloads of living rules and (soon) other goodies, as well as an exploration of the world in which Specimen takes place.

Visit the site at

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SPECIMEN Update: New Game board design!

We’re getting closer and closer to having a finished Print and Play version of Specimen for you, and here’s the latest piece of the puzzle. This is the new layout for the game board, based on Steve’s original prototype and the ship design by John Eiberger.

Click the image to open it in its own page, then click again for a larger look:

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Podcast: Episode Four

Our latest podcast is up on our Vimeo channel. In episode four, Steve talks about our new Zombie City sounds, as well as news about Specimen and some hints about how to use sound effects in your RPG. Then, Steve and Joe discuss the upcoming films Man of Steel and World War Z.

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We’ve been busy upgrading the look of Specimen! Right now the game map, counters and rules are all getting a complete makeover. Here is a look at some of the new counters.





We hope to have the print-and-play version of the game available soon!  We’ll be posting more images as soon as we get them! Let us know what you think!

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Specimen Update: New game board design AND Dr. Viktor Challenge!

We have a couple of fantastic graphic designers working on the game. Mr. John Eiberger is working on the revamped game board; here’s a look at his design for the Hibernation Room!

We’ve also introduced the Dr. Viktor Four-Day Challenge:

Dr. Viktor, the scientist who developed the Specimen, was originally brought on board the T.C.S. Brown in suspended animation. He was killed when the meteor hit the ship at the beginning of the game. But we have an expansion card set planned that allows Dr. Viktor to survive and become part of the crew. This expansion was originally slated to be an unlockable/stretch goal, but we’re going to do something special: if we can get to $10,000 in pledges by Thursday, Sept. 27 at 11:59 CST, we’ll include the Dr. Viktor expansion as part of the game!

Doctor Viktor has survived the meteor impact. But will he help the crew hunt down the Specimen? Or will he be reluctant to destroy his own horrific creation? This expansion explores these questions. Includes: Dr. Viktor Character Card and Playing Piece, 10 New Strategy Cards, and rules addendum.

For more information, check out our Kickstarter page!