In November we interviewed Lys Galati of Sphinx Group for our podcast. She had some great information and insights about the gaming industry, the present and future of RPGs, the current state of crowdfunding and lots more. To keep the podcast’s runtime reasonable, we edited the conversation way down. Lots of folks wanted to hear the full interview, so we’ve posted it to the site. Click here to listen to the full interview!
Tag: future
New Specimen standalone site
We’ve created a site specifically for our new board game, Specimen. There you’ll find articles about how to play the game; good strategies for playing the crew or the monster; videos about different strategy cards and the development of the game; and selected game images. There are also some downloads of living rules and (soon) other goodies, as well as an exploration of the world in which Specimen takes place.
Visit the site at
SPECIMEN Update: New Game board design!

We’re getting closer and closer to having a finished Print and Play version of Specimen for you, and here’s the latest piece of the puzzle. This is the new layout for the game board, based on Steve’s original prototype and the ship design by John Eiberger.
Click the image to open it in its own page, then click again for a larger look:
Podcast: Episode Six
Our latest podcast is up on our Vimeo channel. In episode six, Steve talks about the new game board art for Specimen, and then we’re joined by special guest Ele Matelan, aka Navigator Whitaker from Specimen!
Game Masters and BATTLES CD blowout!
We need room in our warehouse! We’re currently blowing out our remaining stock of Game Masters Collection and BATTLES CDs. Individual discs are just $1.50, and the full Game Masters Complete Collection 4-CD set –over 200 sounds for your role-playing adventure– is just $5.00. While supplies last. When they’re gone, they’re gone!
(blowout pricing does not apply to downloads)
Specimen videos

We’ve uploaded a teaser, a trailer, and a timelapse of our photo shoot day to the Specimen channel of our YouTube page. Check ’em out!

Specimen videos
We’ve just added 3 new pieces of video to our YouTube page’s “Specimen” channel: a short teaser, a trailer, and a time lapse video of the photo shoot. Enjoy!
DeLeo-Kaga Facebook page
DeLeo-Kaga, the company that employs the characters in our board game Specimen, has started a Facebook page.
You can read about the history of the company and get a look at the universe in which Specimen takes place.
New Specimen Photo: Captain Tyler

This week’s Specimen image features game designer Steve Baldwin as Captain Tyler.
For more information about the game, visit the Specimen page!
Xmas in July sale at DriveThruRPG
Time for a sale! This week, Toxic Bag products at DrivethruRPG will be 25% off!
The 2012 X-Mas in July Sale at DrivethruRPG will start 7/23 at 10am and run until 7/30 at 10am.